Foundation Education in Action is one of the short-term technical assistance partners of Save the Children (SC), which is the leading and principal of the team working on the General Educational Activity TABLA.

TABLA is based on four key components (STEAM, 4Cs, PPDM, Learning Outcomes) stemming from the need for innovative educational teaching and learning approaches. TABLA embraces a new teaching paradigm while places the student at the center of the teaching process. BiH has historically taught students using lecturing, memorizing and reproduction. In this new paradigm, each student is supported to gain critical knowledge and skills to successfully compete in the 21st Century workforce. Reforms will transform teacher pre-and in-service training by integrating STEAM; Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and Teaching Methods (PPDM); Common Core Curriculum (CCC) based on learning outcomes; and build critical competencies such as Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration (4Cs). TABLA’s strategic approaches will build and strengthen emerging and critical capacities of future and current teachers and educational professionals to better support the education and development of students’ essential knowledge and competencies as they prepare for lives and careers in an increasingly interconnected and digitized world.

The project is funded by USAID.

Preparing future teachers: Educating for Democracy & Human Rights

The 3-year regional program aims to enhance the quality of education for future teachers (students and young teachers who are at the beginning of their career) through integration of education for democracy and human rights into initial and in-service teacher training institutions including national education authorities dealing with teacher training in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia. Special priority will be given to developing strong cooperation ties in the region among participating teacher education institutions with the aim to exchange national / regional experiences and discuss problems of common concern as well as develop a more consistent teacher education approach.